Finland Green Gold 1200 km


14.7.2025 - 18.7.2025 kello 08:00

Finland Green Gold 1200 km Brevet

Time limit 90 h
Dates 14.07. 08:00 -18.07.2025 02:00, Monday to Thursday-Friday night
Start and finish will be in Helsinki
Route goes from Helsinki to Mikkeli, then two loops returning to Mikkeli, and final leg back to Helsinki.
Self supported event; no bag drops, no accommodations arranged. For accommodation, options might be to book a room in Mikkeli which is visited three times (293, 666 and 928 km) or in Sulkava which is visited twice, 401 and 777 km.
Participation fee 20 € covers registration and medal.

Registration is open until 30.6.2025
Registration link.

Preliminary route:
Part 1. Helsinki to Mikkeli, 293 km.
Part 2. Mikkeli loop 1, 373 km.
Part 3. Mikkeli loop 2, 262 km. Two gravel sectors, both close to 20 km.
Part 4. Mikkeli to Helsinki, 279 km.

There are two short ferry crosings, at Oravi 495 km, and Kietävänsalmi 790 km. These ferries operate basically non-stop, with some short breaks. At night time, they may have a longer break.

Commercial services along the route:

Location km km tot Service
Helsinki 0 0
Kausala 139 139 ABC -22
Mäntyharju 92 231 Shops -21
Mikkeli 62 293 ABC 24h
Sulkava 108 401 Shops 6-21
Savonlinna 40 441 Shops 7-22
Varkaus 100 541 Shops 7-22
Pieksämäki 50 591 Shops 7-21
Mikkeli 75 666 ABC 24h
Juva 71 737 ABC 24h
Sulkava 40 777 Shops 6-21
Puumala 49 826 Shops 6-21
Mikkeli 102 928 ABC 24h
Vierumäki 128 1056 Neste 6-24
Porvoo 106 1162 Shell 24h
Itis 42 1204 Shell 24h
Viikki 6 1210